Land Use and Regional Economics

Land Use and Regional Economics
Highest and Best Use Analysis
Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis
Residential Needs Assessment
Commercial and Industrial Needs Assessment
Development Fee/SDC Incidence Analysis
Litigation Support/Expert Witness Testimony
Metropolitan Land Group: 45 Central
Johnson Economics completed a highest and best uses analysis for a 40-acre property in Beaverton, Oregon. Proposed land uses included single-family homes, rental apartments, and a commercial center. Our work included market evaluation of the constituent land uses, as well as preparation of a market needs analysis in support of a comprehensive plan change to allow for commercial development. The project has subsequently been developed as a 45 Central real estate property.

City of Hillsboro: Amberglen Integrated Plan
Johnson Economics worked with the City of Hillsboro to produce an integrated plan for the Amberglen area. Originally platted as a business park, the project identified opportunities to eventually convert the area to a more pedestrian-friendly mixed-use environment, incorporating retail, office, and residential uses. The project also included high-capacity transit, considering the regional light rail system and a more localized streetcar system. The project included extensive outreach to impacted property owners, financial analysis of prospective development forms, and a phased strategy for achieving the targeted development patterns.

Portland Development Commission: Kenton Redevelopment Study
Johnson Economics led a multi-disciplinary team addressing the economics of redevelopment in Portland’s Kenton commercial district. Despite the District's many advantages and ongoing revitalization efforts, Kenton has not yet realized its full potential, with many properties standing underutilized or vacant. The project aimed to set the stage for revitalization by working with property owners, the development community, and public agencies to encourage redevelopment in the district.
The scope of this project included:
Public involvement.
An inventory of all sites and buildings in the project area.
Identification of appropriate concepts for property development and redevelopment.
Conceptual design recommendations for streetscape improvements.
A redevelopment guide for existing property owners.
A sales and leasing strategy to enhance existing businesses and attract new anchor and niche businesses to the street.

City of Lake Oswego: Block 137 (Wizer Block)
Johnson Economics provided strategic input to the City of Lake Oswego concerning financial viability and specialized considerations of a mixed-use property development. The work included review and critical evaluation of the developer’s pro formas, as well as strategic input on market and financial risks. The project broke ground in October 2015 and finished construction in the spring of 2018.

City of Milwaukie:
North Downtown Redevelopment Project
The City of Milwaukie hired Johnson Economics to assist in determining the optimal development program for a publicly owned site in their downtown area and selecting a future private development partner for the site. Johnson Economics determined the highest and best use of the property from both a market and public policy perspective. The first phases provided detailed market information to outline the contemporary economic and demographic characteristics of the Milwaukie area. This report assisted the City in determining multiple potential uses for the site; additionally, the program was used to solicit proposals from future developers. This process was successful and resulted in a mixed-use development at the site.

Portland Development Commission: Burnside Bridgehead Project
Johnson Economics provided strategic market and development analysis in support of concept planning of the Burnside Bridgehead site in Portland, Oregon. The plan proffered viable development forms in the challenging modern real estate and financing market. The work included a strategic development plan, providing interim development steps that would support ongoing growth both directly on the site and in the broader metropolitan area. The firm subsequently worked with private developers to implement components of the plan, including Key Development and Beam.

City of Beaverton:
Arts and Culture Center
Johnson Economics prepared an economic and fiscal impact analysis of the construction and operation of the Patricia Reser Center for the Arts, also known as The Reser, located in downtown Beaverton. The building serves as a performance venue, art gallery, educational facility, and gathering space, supporting a variety of activities and events. The Reser hosts a 550-seat theater, a second smaller theater, classroom spaces, a café, and meeting rooms. The project cost roughly $55 million to construct, totaling 43,000 square feet, and officially opened in March 2022.

Vulcan Northwest:
South Lake Union Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis
Johnson Economics completed a comprehensive economic and fiscal impact analysis of 1 million square feet of biotech, office, industrial, hotel, retail, and residential development in Seattle’s South Lake Union district. The analysis is being used by both Vulcan and the City of Seattle to plan the redevelopment of South Lake Union and the expansion of Seattle’s nationally recognized biotech industry.

Kittitas County:
Suncadia Master Planned Resort
Johnson Economics completed a fiscal and economic impact analysis of the proposed 7,400-acre Suncadia Resort in Kittitas County, Washington. The study included detailed direct population and recreation forecasts at the resort, indirect forecasts for Kittitas County, a labor force evaluation, employment and payroll forecasts (direct, indirect & induced), and impacts on the real estate and housing markets. The assignment also included an assessment of the net effects on service providers, including the school district, fire district, hospital district, police, and general County services.

Oregon Department of Corrections:
Community Impact Analysis
Johnson Economics completed a community impact analysis for proposed correctional facilities in Madras and Junction City, Oregon. The assignments included ongoing work with a citizen advisory committee. The impacts evaluated included the fiscal implications for relevant service providers, as well as a forecast of direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts.

Pacific Northwest College of Art:
Impact of New Developments and Existing Campus
Johnson Economics helped PNCA quantify the economic impacts associated with its new developments and the continued operations of the existing campus. The College was amidst a significant capital campaign, which allowed for the consolidation of campus living and gallery spaces along the North Park Blocks.
Current and new facilities include:
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Feldman Gallery + Project Space
The Museum of Contemporary Crafts
ArtHouse Student Housing
Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design
Johnson Economics also completed a project quantifying the economic impacts associated with on-going operations of two existing campuses in Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Furthermore, it evaluated the marginal ongoing and construction impacts of an additional campus building in Hillsboro, Oregon. To model the economic impacts of various activities, Johnson Economics utilized the IMPLAN (IMPact for Planning) input/output multiplier model methodology.